/ COVID-19

/ COVID-19

ALLFOR-U Care strictly follows all the infection-control practices as recommended by the Australian Department of Health and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Following are the strict measures we adhere to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the community:

  • Heightened Hygiene Procedures: Our staff strictly adhere to all the hygiene requirements provided by the Department of Health like regular use of hand sanitizers and washing your hands on a frequent basis.
  • Infection Control: To prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our communities, we follow all the recommended infection control procedures.
  • Social Distancing: Social distancing means you keep space (1.5m) between you and other people.
  • Self-Isolation: Our self-isolation procedures are in place for our staff or their relatives who have travelled or if they have come into contact with anyone confirmed with COVID-19.

What is COVID-19 ?

COVID‑19 is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It has been declared to be a pandemic by the WHO as it has spread rapidly throughout the world.

Symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties,
  • Loss of smell and taste
  • Diarrhoea and vomiting

There are many options to get tested for COVID-19 in South Australia. SA COVID Information Line on 1800 253 787.

General Practitioner (GP): Contact your GP about getting tested for COVID-19, you may receive a referral to attend a drive-through testing clinic.

Drive-through testing: There are options for drive-through testing clinics. Find your nearest testing site or contact SA PathologyClinpath or Australian Clinical Labs directly.

COVID-19 clinics: People with COVID-19 symptoms can visit a dedicated COVID-19 clinic or SA Health drive-through testing clinic to be assessed and tested. You do not need a referral or an appointment.

Respiratory Clinics: Respiratory Clinics are available for anyone with respiratory conditions.

Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services testing: If you would like to know more about COVID-19, or feel that you have some symptoms, please call your local SA Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (PDF 696KB).

For latest updates please visit SA Health website 

The NDIS has made temporary COVID-19 measures to support participants during the pandemic. Our general measures include an action plan that ensures all NDIS participants and their families continue to receive the essential disability support. Face-to-face planning has been shifted to telephonic meetings. Flexibility has been increased within your budgets to purchase disability supports. NDIS plans are to be extended by up to 24 months to ensure continuity of support.

Everyone in Australia will be offered a safe, free and effective COVID-19 vaccine. High priority groups, including aged care and disability care residents and workers, are being offered the vaccine first. All Australians must give informed consent before having the COVID-19 vaccine and you are able to have someone support you in your decision making.